40th (Ruby) Wedding Anniversary Gifts South Africa

At the end of the forty years of marriage, spouses celebrate the Ruby Wedding, one of the most important anniversaries for a self-respecting couple: the solidity of a love that has managed to overcome so brilliantly the adversities in which you can stumble along a so long a married life path deserves to be honored properly.

The name of the anniversary wants to recall the precious properties of the ruby, a precious gem in which most believe an eternal flame is enclosed, a symbol of the unstoppable passion that after forty years together shows no sign of going out, but rather it has become, year after year, more and more alive and strong.

Ruby, moreover, is a precious stone second only to a diamond: in ancient times, it was believed that it could give those who possessed it the power to predict the future, but also to make them stop bleeding. In addition, ruby ​​represents an excellent alternative to diamond also in terms of engagement rings and it is said that, worn on the ring finger, it is a powerful lucky charm.

40th Anniversary Party Ideas

For the Ruby Wedding, tradition has it that the dominant color is naturally red: all the decorations for the reception will then be made by applying shimmering carmine-colored glitter to tickets, gift wrapping paper, place cards, centerpieces, balloons, and etc. Even the table will be laid according to this main theme: it will be enough, therefore, to get red tablecloths and sets of porcelain plates with borders of the same color, without forgetting candles and always red flower vases. And, speaking of floral tributes, roses are obviously welcome, but the most suitable flower to give on these occasions is nasturtium. For the toast, however, there is no alternative: red wine for all guests!

40th Anniversary Gift Ideas

Anniversary gifts to offer should also include the presence of a ruby: earrings, necklaces, bracelets and other items of jewelery will certainly be very welcome, but also red glass vases will not be outdone. If you are opposed to excessively expensive gifts, you can always resort to creativity: excellent ideas are making music CDs with songs dating back to the time of the wedding, photo albums with the highlights of the life of the two guests or writing a poem with red ink and then put it in a frame obviously of the same color. Alternatively, you can always opt for voucher for dinners in large restaurants or trips to exotic destinations, to be presented to the newlyweds wrapped in red ribbon, of course.

40th Anniversary Messages

40th Anniversary Messages

The Ruby Wedding anniversary represents more than a special achievment for a married couple: husband and wife, after forty years of life together, can only be considered lucky. To share with them the immense joy of this anniversary, it will therefore be necessary to find the right words: here are some wishes to refer to in order to make one’s closeness felt to the two guests.

Happy anniversary to the most beautiful couple in the world: after forty years we can say with certainty that you are an example of true love for all those around you and you will certainly be for much longer…


Despite all this time spent together, your eyes are still full of mutual love: it is as if these forty years had never passed! Best wishes!


The road traveled together is really long: it is not difficult to imagine that there were many obstacles encountered along the way, but you have overcome them by becoming stronger and stronger. After forty years you are, for us, real heroes! Happy Anniversary!


The Ruby anniversary is certainly a special day: yet, today, stop counting the years, stop the time and by magic what has been will be, again and forever! Our most sincere wishes!