20th (Porcelain) Wedding Anniversary Gifts South Africa

The Porcelain Wedding corresponds to the twentieth wedding anniversary: an anniversary that constitutes a fundamental stage in the life of a married couple: finding themselves still together twenty years after the fateful “yes”, certainly enriched also by the arrival and growth of their children, but above all, feeling still ready – despite all the difficulties encountered – to continue their journey, hand in hand, always in the same direction, constitutes a privilege that deserves to be celebrated as God commands.

The Meaning of a Porcelain Anniversary

Porcelain is a type of very fine ceramics, and in this case, is to represent the beauty, the ‘ elegance and delicacy of a rare love that, in fact, what we celebrate when you reach a twenty-year record.

Despite the great value, porcelain is also very fragile: it is no coincidence that this characteristic can also be associated with the anniversary of the twentieth wedding anniversary, since the vulnerability of the couple’s relationship must be averted through the care and attention that will be in the following years.

How to celebrate

Since it is Porcelain Wedding, the first thought that comes to mind is decidedly very exotic: being China the mother country of the precious material, the idea of ​​organizing an oriental-style reception is very appropriate.

Red lanterns aside, you might even think of booking a nice trip to China or Hong Kong: if you don’t want to face such a long crossing, an equally valid suggestion is to visit the romantic French city of Chantilly, where the production of decorated ceramic products began in the eighteenth century, under Louis XV. The town, however, is a few kilometers from the undisputed capital of love across the Alps, beautiful Paris: what better occasion than your own Porcelain Wedding to improvise a tender escape aboard a bateau mouche on the Seine?

20th Wedding Anniverary Gift Ideas

If the budget available is more limited, you can of course opt for less demanding gifts in economic terms: the important thing is not to forget that the reference material is, needless to say, porcelain. A green light, therefore, for a set of porcelain platesdolls and Chinese porcelain vases: with the latter, however, absolute perfection could be achieved by laying a beautiful bouquet of lilies, which in the language of flowers are synonymous with joyfulness and liveliness .

Alternatively, you can also orient yourself on other materials: platinum, a symbol of strength and endurance, or emerald , which in turn embodies peace, tranquility and hope – principles, that is, the basis of any bond that wants to be called such. Furthermore, if you were willing to have confetti packed for your guests on the day of the party, the recommendation is that they are yellow.

Greeting phrases

Greeting phrases

To avoid any misunderstanding, it should be clarified that the Porcelain Wedding is not a metaphor for weakness, on the contrary: the precious delicacy of the material-symbol of this holiday reminds us, rather, how puresolid and exceptional a union of this kind can be. To find the right words for such an occasion, we propose a series of greeting suggestions from which you can freely take a cue.

Celebrate your “porcelain” anniversary, it is true, but it seems to us that there is no more precious and splendid thing than the wedding that you managed to live together. Our warmest wishes for the many happy and peaceful years that await you!

Thanks to your relationship you have managed to mature so much: now that it has become fine and priceless like porcelain, defend it even more! Happy 20th anniversary!
Even more precious, but delicate and shining as it has always been, your love now resembles porcelain, which tradition wants to symbolize marital happiness that has lasted for twenty years and which, we are sure, will last many, many others! Happy Porcelain Wedding!
May your joy continue with so many other beautiful anniversaries like and more than that! Our best wishes for your Porcelain Wedding!
The joy of the day of your Porcelain Wedding will not only be a “yesterday” to remember, but a today to live, always and always! Best wishes.