Traditional Fruit Picnic Basket and Bouquet


This classic fruit picnic box and bouquet is the perfect way to show your appreciation for their hard work! To make the most of their time spent outside, this black picnic basket has a gingham lining. JC Le Roux red wine, seasonal fruit, decadent chocolates, and Pringles are just a few of the tasty treats you’ll find in this gift basket. It’s sure to get the party started! The bright flower that comes with this picnic basket elevates it to something very unique. Roses of varying colors and sizes are arranged on a bed of ruscus and latifolia and wrapped in light pink paper with a ‘Just because you are precious to me’ tag attached. For an amazing present, place your order with Hamperlicious right away! Hamperlicious will deliver this Traditional Fruit Picnic Basket And Bouquet for you.

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