Special to Me Fruit Picnic Basket and Bouquet


With this exquisite exclusive to me fruit picnic box and bouquet, you may encourage your family and friends to spend some time outside. There’s no better way to convey how much you love them than by packing a picnic packed of delicious goodies! 2 green apples, 2 red apples, 2 oranges, 2 pears, 1 Nestle Peppermint Crisp, 1 Nestle Tex, 1 Nestle Rolo, 1 Nestle Bar One, 1 Nestle Smarties, 1 Nestle Milo slab, and 1 Nestle Aero milk slab are just some of the delectable treats included in the grey striped cloth inside of the basket. All you need to wash it all down is a bottle of JC Le Roux white champagne and an Original Pringles bar. As if that wasn’t enough, the bouquet includes 24 white roses and 10 white gerberas nested in gum leaves and million start flowers and wrapped in grey paper fastened with a white satin ribbon and a ‘Just because you are precious to me’ tag. Place your order with Hamperlicious now for national delivery. Get this Special To Me Fruit Picnic Basket And Bouquet delivered with Hamperlicious.

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