Garden of Life Primal Defense HSO Probiotic Formula

With this pure probiotic combination from the Garden of Life line, you may have a healthy digestive tract and a strong immune system. Primal Defense is the only probiotic formula that contains a proprietary whole food blend containing Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSOs), which are difficult to come by in today’s modern diets that are high in processed, pasteurized, and irradiated foods. Primal Defense is the only probiotic formula that contains a proprietary whole food blend containing Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSOs). Garden of Life Primal Defense is a natural probiotic supplement that you may take as an addition to your everyday diet. It helps your body battle fungal imbalances and infections, as well as enhance digestion and nutrient absorption, all of which are beneficial. Because they are resistant to stomach and bile acids, the robust bacteria in Primal Defense are superior to conventional probiotics in that they can survive even the most difficult digestive conditions.




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