If there is something you cannot miss on a good birthday, it is a delicious birthday cake to celebrate. And a tradition that doesn’t go out of style is blowing candles and making wishes … However, we are sorry to tell you that it is not as good an idea as it seems.

By this we do not mean that we do not want your wishes to be fulfilled. On the contrary, nothing like wishing the best for a date as special as birthdays. However, we have to warn you about the health risks of blowing candles on a cake.

And this season, more than ever, we must take extreme precautions, due to the COVID-19 pandemic that is still present in our country. Do not miss this information.

Blowing out the Candles on a Cake… an Unhygienic Tradition

A study published by the Journal of Food Research and prepared by researchers at Clemson University, declares that blowing candles on a cake or similar foods could be harmful for people who are going to eat the dessert after this ritual.

In the study, the researchers imitated a birthday party, placing 17 candles on a fake paper cake and a vanilla-glazed unicel.

With the help of 11 participants, the researchers asked them to eat pizza, then asked them to  blow out the candles hard on the fake cake.

The results were truly disturbing: “blowing the candles on the icing surface resulted in 1,400% more oral bacteria compared to an exhalation-free icing,” the study stated.

That is, when we blow candles on a cake, there is a much greater chance of transmitting bacteria and other microorganisms from a person’s respiratory tract.

But do not worry! If you think you won’t eat cake again when you go to a birthday party, researchers recommend that the candle-blowing ritual be skipped as long as the birthday girl is going through a bad and infectious moment of health.

birthday girl with cake

This tradition comes from the ancient Greeks, who used to bring cakes with lighted candles to the temple of Artemis, goddess of hunting.

If you want to perpetuate the tradition, we suggest that on your next birthday you place a candle on a cupcake, and then share your cake with your guests. It will be a beautiful, flirty and very original tradition.

And of course, your wishes will not cease to come true ?

Craig Sandeman

Craig Sandeman is South Africa’s go-to guru for all things gift-giving, blending psychology and cultural insights to curate perfect presents. A Cape Town native with a global perspective, he’s renowned for his blog, workshops, and media features that delve into the art and science of thoughtful gifting. If you’re ever stumped on finding the ideal gift, Craig’s expert advice is your ticket to gifting success.

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